Pav’s Barber Shop in Castlemaine is hosting a fundraiser for the family of five-year-old Kobi.
Kobi was recently diagnosed with stage four Burkitt’s lymphoma and is currently undergoing treatment at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.
Burkitt lymphoma is a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. NHL is a cancer of the lymphatic system. It develops when the body makes abnormal B lymphocytes. These lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that normally help to fight infections. When you have a lymphoma, the abnormal lymphocytes build up in lymph nodes or other body organs. Burkitt lymphoma grows quickly and your treatment begins soon after diagnosis.
Karrinda Lawler from Pav’s Barber Shop is organising the event to help take away some of the stress the family are experiencing, allowing them to focus their attention on Kobi.
Karrinda and Kobi’s mum became friends many years earlier when they both attended St Mary’s Primary School in Castlemaine.

“And we’ve been friends since then,” Karrinda said.
“Kobi told his mum that he had a sore mouth and a sore tummy so she took him to the doctors for tests.
“The results came back on Grand Final weekend and their whole world tipped upside down.
“My friends and I decided to hold a fundraiser – I’m giving haircuts, there will be a barbecue and a coffee cart. So many people have offered help already. We’re hoping to raise as much money as possible to help the family.”
A Day for Kobi will held from 10am on Saturday November 4 at Pav’s Barber at 236 Barker Street Castlemaine. Raffle tickets are available now at Pav’s for $2 a ticket.