Farm build denied

Use and building of a dwelling to support a prize horse stud proposal in Bolinda has been rejected a second time in a bid to prevent fragmentation of farmland. 

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has upheld Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s decision in February to refuse the permit. 

The 22.534ha 78 Mullalys Road property falls under the 40ha build guide for the Farm Zone and required a permit to proceed. 

Officers recommended refusal on the grounds of fragmentation of farmland and the lack of justification for a permanent dwelling on the site. 

The VCAT member Jeanette Rickards was not satisfied a dwelling was necessary for the proposed agricultural activity of horse husbandry. 

“Nor am I satisfied of the suitability of the proposed agricultural activity of Horse husbandry on the land given the steep terrain,” Rickards stated. 

“The lot size is well below the as of right lot size for a dwelling in the Farm Zone. Given there are other nearby lots that already contain dwellings the land would be suitable for consolidation with those also small lots. 

“The land has been used in the past for cattle and sheep grazing. There is no evidence that this type of agricultural activity could not continue without the requirement of a dwelling on the land.”