Outside areas want say in pokies survey

Romsey will have its say on pokies in Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s plebiscite but some residents feel the survey area doesn’t extend far enough. 

The council began letterbox drops last week to gauge community sentiment on electronic gaming in response to an active application for the former Romsey Hotel. 

Romsey Football Netball Club Inc applied for 50 gaming machines and a $10 million pub renovation last year and decision now rests with the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission.

Survey feedback to MRSC will inform the council’s submission to the VGCCC on the application. 

MRSC defined its survey area as, “Romsey residents and those living within five kilometres of the Romsey Hotel”, but neighbouring areas such as Lancefield and Monegeetta equally want their say. 

Lancefield resident Patricia Danko said those living in immediate surrounding towns would be just as affected by the application outcome. 

“Lancefield is not that far away and most people in Lancefield use services and shop in Romsey,” she said. 

“Lancefield should be included in the survey area so they have more data on how people feel about this. The application at Romsey will affect all of us one way or the other.” 

Ms Danko has submitted her own submission to the VGCCC on the application and has encouraged others to do the same. 


Similarly, local lobby group Keep Romsey Pokies Free has letterbox dropped MRSC’s survey area. 

The KRPF group’s flier encourages residents to be involved in the council’s survey and to make their own submission VGCCC. It includes tips for making submissions as well as a sample email with links to information about the impacts of pokies. 

KRPF member Eddie Woodford also felt the survey area should have extended further with many residents outside Romsey accessing the township for daily needs. 

“I feel the survey should have a greater radius – even just to extend it as far as to capture Lancefield would make a huge difference,” he said. 

“If you were to suddenly put pokies in Romsey you’d be extending access to a much greater number of people.” 


A MRSC representative said for the purpose of the survey, “the council received specialist advice that the VGCCC seeks direct feedback from those within the town/5km radius of the venue”. 

The council sent out just over 4000 surveys via a publicly available database from the Victorian Electoral Commission but acknowledged there may be some residents not captured in that database. 

Council encourages anyone who hasn’t received a letter directly and who believes they are within the survey area, to contact the council and ‘opt in’ to take part (proof of residency required). 

For details on the council survey, visit the website: mrsc.vic.gov.au 

Residents outside the council’s survey area can still have their say on the Romsey Hotel application by making a direct submission to the VGCCC via: vgccc.vic.gov.au