Feral deer forum

While feral deer are widespread and well established in eastern Victoria, there are generally smaller, more isolated populations in central Victoria.

Feral deer have been spreading across the state for decades and are now emerging as a serious issue for the central Victorian community.

Feral deer can have a devastating impact on nature, farmers, foresters, gardeners and are a danger to road users.

A forum is being held in Malmsbury on Sunday June 30 to raise the awareness of private landowners and other community members of the emerging impacts of feral deer in central Victoria and what options people have for control.

The forum is being run by Victorian Deer Control Community Network, in partnership with Biolinks Alliance and Malmsbury District Landcare.

“While feral deer are widespread and well established in eastern Victoria, there are generally smaller, more isolated populations in central Victoria,” said Peter Jacobs, executive officer of the Victorian Deer Control Community Network.

“This is why it is so important to get on top of these invasions before they become a real problem.”

Chris Pocknee, ecologist with Biolinks Alliance, said feral deer were a real threat to biodiversity values that landowners in central Victoria were working hard to protect and connect across the landscape.

“They browse plants, trample habitat and hinder revegetation programs and recovery from bushfires,” Chris said.

“We look forward to the participation of many central Victorian community members in addressing the serious emerging issue of deer impacts on the landscape and we are keen to hear from landowners that are experiencing deer impacts at the forum.”

The Forum is being held at Malmsbury Town Hall on Sunday June 30, from 10.30am – 3.30pm.

To register, go to the events section of Biolinks Alliance website: biolinksalliance.org.au/new-events or call Peter on 0487 295 198.