Push to fix signal box

Kyneton Horticultural Society member Richard Hopkins is pictured at the damaged signal box.

Residents are eager to see the clean-up of vandalism and graffiti at Kyneton Railway Station’s old signal box.

Kyneton Horticultural Society members have spent the past few months working on tidying existing gardens in the station area and flagged the damage with V/Line.

“It is in a current state of decline as a result of vandalism with numerous windows broken,” member Richard Hopkins said.

“I am becoming concerned that this historic building will be significantly damaged by further intrusive vandalism.

“This building is unique and is a significant building/gateway to the thousand of visitors who come to Kyneton by rail and hence is a historical tourism symbol/icon of what kyneton stands for.”

V/Line regularly monitors the network for acts of vandalism and thanked the community for bringing the issue to their attention.

“V/Line does not tolerate vandalism and graffiti at our stations or on our trains, and we work closely with Victoria Police to investigate each case,” a V/Line spokesperson said.

“We are aware of graffiti on the disused signal box at Kyneton Station and are (considering) options for its removal.”

The spokesperson said vandalism in the rail corridor was not only an eyesore but could be extremely dangerous, and encouraged anyone who witnessed these acts to contact Victoria Police or Crime Stoppers with information.

V/Line has a program of works in place to remove graffiti, which can cost V/Line about $4 million each year on cleaning and rail replacement services.