Riddells Creek residents have raised alarm over the integrity of community consultation for a major Riddells Creek planning application conducted via Engage Victoria.
Riddells Creek Planning Group has written to Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny seeking the process be immediately stopped and reviewed following a discrepancy in data.
On July 19, planning group members met with Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas, who said she had been advised by the Department of Transport and Planning that 118 submissions had been received to the first consultation process.
“This level of submissions did not accord with the far-reaching and detailed efforts of the RCPG to inform the community about the proposal and the original period for consultation,” the group submitted.
“Nor did this figure fit with the ongoing level of engagement and interest by the Riddells Creek community in this development proposal over five years.”
Following further requests for information, the group was informed on August 12 that there had been at least 1190 submissions – 1072 more than previously stated. The group has now raised doubts about the technology.
If approved, the Draft Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme Amendment C161macr would trigger an Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan that would see substantial development of Riddells Creek.
The controversial plans have been rejected by both the community and Macedon Ranges Shire Council but are now with the state government and undergoing further community consultation.
When the Express questioned Ms Thomas about the discrepancy last week she apologised for the confusion.
“I thank the community for their patience and apologise for confusion after an error led to the wrong engagement data being provided to my office,” Ms Thomas told the Express.
“The Minister for Planning has extended the consultation period to allow more people the opportunity to have their say – more than a thousand people have already shared their views.”
The consultation period has been extended by two weeks to 5.30pm, Tuesday August 27. The extension of time was granted due to the applicant making changes to the plans submitted – outlined on the Engage Victoria platform.