Wind, rain, cloud and sun

Dr Linden Ashcroft.

Wind and rain and cloud and sun – just four elements that have so much power over the earth and our lives.

Wild weather, torrential downpours, oppressive heat, we get them all, and they’re increasing in number and extremity.

On September 12, Macedon and Mt Macedon Landcare group is hosting an evening session with Dr Linden Ashcroft, a climate scientist and gifted science communicator.

“The storms of 2021, the floods of 2022 and the ever-present threat of bushfire are all weather events. When you add a changing climate into the mix, it can all just seem like chaos,” said Kate Lawrence, president of the Macedon and Mt Macedon Landcare committee.

“But there is much we can learn to improve our understanding of weather and climate.”

Dr Linden Ashcroft has worked as a climatologist at the Bureau of Meteorology and currently teaches undergraduate weather and climate science at the University of Melbourne.

“In this session we’ll look at the broad picture of our weather, and we’ll look at the micro level – the way clouds congregate and wind moves around a mountain, the way storm cells build and ridges create lee sides,” Dr Ashcroft said.

“Together we’ll develop a greater understanding of the weather, climate and microclimates of Mount Macedon and Macedon.”

Dr Ashcroft regularly gives presentations on climate science, science communication and historical climatology, as well as media interviews for national and international television and radio. She is also keen to hear local observations of the weather patterns and climate, and to have a wide ranging discussion about this thing we all have in common – the weather.

The talk will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday September 12 in Jubilee Hall, Smith Street, Macedon. It is free to attend but attendees are asked to book via Humanitix.