Tenants, landlords and real estate professionals are invited to join a free Tenants’ Rights Forum in Castlemaine aimed at educating the community about tenants’ rights and available support services.
Organised by My Home Network’s Tenants’ Rights Working Group, the forum will feature a diverse lineup of speakers, including local tenants sharing their own experiences, Residential Tenancy Commissioner Dr Heather Holst, Leah Slattery from ARC Justice, and Harry Millward from the Renters and Housing Union.
The event will also include a Q&A session, providing attendees with the opportunity to raise issues and concerns. These will be compiled and shared with Consumer Affairs as part of the state government’s new task force aimed at improving landlord and real estate accountability.
“We recognise that many tenants are unaware of their rights and may feel vulnerable in their rental situations,” working group spokesperson Liz Scanlon said.
“Our goal is to enhance local support for tenants and ensure they know they are not alone.
“Recent updates to the Victorian State Tenancy Act in 2021, and the state government’s recent consultation on minimum energy efficiency standards for rentals, highlight the need for clear communication and understanding.
“We want to ensure everyone is informed and on the same page.”
With 1260 rental properties in Mount Alexander Shire, a shortfall of 600 social housing units, and 87 per cent of tenants struggling with affordability, the need for action is urgent.
“We are also focused on increasing affordable rental options by encouraging owners of the 1000 vacant dwellings in the shire to offer them as affordable rentals – defined as less than 25 per cent of a tenant’s income,” working group spokesperson Kaz Neilson said.
The forum will take place at the Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker Street, Castlemaine, on Wednesday, September 11 from 6pm for a 6.30pm start until 8pm.
My Home Network, auspiced by Dhelkaya Health, comprises dedicated community members, locals with lived experience of the housing crisis, and representatives from local housing initiatives, community organisations, and government bodies. Learn more about My Home Network’s work at dhelkayahealth.org.au/my-home-network.
For more information and to register for the forum, contact Kaz at cneilson@castlemainehealth.org.au