New bid for Mad Max series

Action, drama, romance and the thrill of raw spectacular V8 horsepower will roar from the screen when the absolute ultimate in muscle cars and classic bikes take centre stage.

You’ve heard of Mad Max the film franchise… now a Kyneton-based duo seeks to create Mad Max the TV mini series.

Brett Gooding and Karen Skinner have launched a crowdfunding campaign to help make it a reality.

The pair has a vision for a Main Force Patrol series set in a regional town sometime between Mad Max 1 and Mad Max 2 where the fight for survival heightens as civilization collapses.

“Who wouldn’t love to see what happens between Mad Max 1 and 2!” Brett said.

“Action, drama, romance and the thrill of raw spectacular V8 horsepower will roar from the screen when the absolute ultimate in muscle cars and classic bikes take centre stage.”

The series will include appearances of Mad Max in his incredible Interceptor XB Ford Coupe, cameo appearances by famous Mad Max characters, and other Australian icons.

A crowdfunding campaign will raise funds to produce a trailer, which the couple will then to pitch to Warner Bros and George Miller.

“We need to film a short incredible trailer/teaser to showcase the brilliant features and awesome plots of Main Force Patrol. This will then be used to pitch the concept of an MFP miniseries to Warner Bros and George Miller,” Brett said.

Much of the project has already undergone detailed planning: scripts have been written, production companies have been sourced, locations scouted, and actors lined up to start.

Mia Mia based scriptwriter Stan Ziolkowski and Bobby Barker have played a large part of helping organise the project. The team also now has backing from National Auto Service.

Brett acquired the Mad Max Inceptor a few years ago and it has led him to meet many fans of the film franchise and fellow car and bike enthusiasts.

“I thought I just had a cool car to take to car shows. Then I realised the passion people had for these films,” he said.

He has since been part of Warner Brothers and Mike Brewer Wheeler Dealers UK World Tour, ‘Road to the Max’ 17-day promotional documentary road trip, and other exciting projects. The couple has also supplied cars to Warner Bros for various projects.

“We have extensive Mad Max contacts,” Brett said. “The MFP bike and car owners are chomping at the bit to get started and be a part of the series.

“Our company, Muscle Cars and Classic Cruisers, has developed the knowledge and massive contacts in the muscle car industry over the years that can be drawn upon to source almost any vehicle to star in this series.

“Already we have an enormous growing list of people who want to help make it happen as soon as possible. Many of these are so passionate about the project they are volunteering their valuable time and resources or trying to work at cost where possible.”

Predominantly the funds raised will be used to cover cost for the production company to provide director, cameramen, lighting, makeup, editors and gofers.

Costs have been also been budgeted for fuel, transport of vehicles, equipment and prop hire, editing, marketing and necessary insurance.

Brett and Karen’s crowdfunding target is $50,000. To contribute to their goal, visit: and search ‘MAIN FORCE PATROL Mad Max TV Mini Series – Trailer Pitch’.

Any individuals or local businesses interested in supporting the project financially or by providing a shooting location can contact the couple via the Go Fund Me page.