Frustrated residents have had enough of inaction on Kyneton’s notorious Edgecombe Road / Melville Drive intersection.
They are petitioning the state government for a dedicated right-turn lane for north-bound traffic on Edgecombe Road to access Melville Drive safely.
The road has been described as a designated high productivity route with regular B-double activity, but also as a busy tourist connector.
Between 2019 and 2023, there have been at least four casualty crashes at the intersection. One of those resulted in extended hospitalisation of a driver.
“All, or most, of the crashes there have been the result of vehicles being rear-ended while waiting to turn right from the single lane roadway,” said Kyneton resident Brian Wilson. “From a driver’s perspective, it’s incredibly dangerous.”
Mr Wilson said residents had been demanding safety improvements for years but were yet to see substantial action.
“The petition is totally out of frustration that the government has not taken any notice of the accidents that occurred here. It wouldn’t happen in Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs,” he said.
“The current MP and responsible minister are likely to be the next Lady Macbeths with blood on their hands if we have more accidents here – and there is every likelihood.”
The intersection is the main entrance to Kyneton Bushland Resort that can service up to 300 holiday makers at any given time.
Resort chairman Jim Noy said both the resort and its owners corporation had been urging action at the site for years, and were now leading the petition.
“If a dedicated lane is put there, we imagine it would be safer for the hundreds of people that use it weekly,” he said.
“We’re just hoping there will be action before there are any more accidents.”
Mr Noy said residents had raised concerns with Macedon Ranges Shire Council, local police and the state government.
Last year a request for federal Black Spot funding to improve the site was unsuccessful.
The Department of Transport and Planning did not provide a response before going to press.
Residents wishing to sign the petition can view it online via: parliament.vic.gov.au/get-involved/petitions/intersection-of-edgecombe-road-and-melville-drive-kyneton