Horse neglect investigated

RSPCA Victoria is investigating animal cruelty reports regarding horses at properties in the Macedon Ranges and Mitchell Shire.

RSPCA Victoria is investigating multiple animal cruelty reports regarding horses at properties in the Macedon Ranges and Mitchell Shire.

“We appreciate the community’s concern, and can assure those who are worried, our inspectorate has active investigations into these matters and have attended the properties reported more than 20 times over the last few months and will continue to do so based on animal welfare needs,” an RSPCA spokesperson said last week.

“This is a complex matter, with multiple animals, properties and multiple different owners now involved.”

They said RSPCA inspectors had previously dealt with two primary properties, however, with movement of horses this had increased.

“We can confirm any previously reported injured horses have all received appropriate veterinary care,” they said.

“Our inspectors will continue to attend the sites and monitor the wellbeing of the horses ensuring those responsible for their care comply with their legal obligations to provide food, water and vet care.

“As we receive new reports with any new information, we will continue to investigate them, however, it is vital reports are based off eye-witness accounts and not only from what is seen on social media.

“These often contain incorrect or out-of-date information such as inaccurate addresses making it difficult to investigate causing unnecessary delays in an investigation.

“As this is an active investigation, we urge people not to take matters into their own hands as any interference from the public could compromise the outcome, so we ask people to please show restraint.”

RSPCA Victoria inspectors are the only authorised officers under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act who can enforce and prosecute horse welfare in the state and have received nearly 390 jobs related to horses since December 1, 2024.

Anyone with concerns about the welfare of animals with first-hand information is urged to make a report to RSPCA Victoria via: or by calling 03 9224 2222.