Vegetation over views

    Macedon Ranges council has refused a divisive proposal to remove vegetation at the Mount Macedon Regional Park.

    Macedon Ranges Council has refused a divisive proposal to remove vegetation at the Mount Macedon Regional Park.

    Parks Victoria’s application aimed to reinstate the Mount Macedon Memorial Cross viewscape, which has been lost due to regrowth and lack of maintenance.

    The proposal triggered passionate debate, with 62 objections, many relating to loss of significant vegetation, and 36 submissions of support, many supporting the war veteran community.

    Last week councillors voted 6-3 not to grant the permit, against council officer recommendation, some hopeful to explore other alternatives.

    Leading the move, Cr Jennifer Anderson said the loss of significant vegetation was not justified to potentially provide a view to Melbourne.

    “The benefit of restoring a view does not outweigh the negative impacts on biodiversity and water catchment quality,” she said.

    “The significant landscape of the Mount Macedon Regional Park will be permanently impacted.

    “It is the landscape of the mountain itself that is important, not the view of the landscape to Melbourne.”

    Cr Anderson felt the Macedon Ranges Significant Landscape Overlay was applicable, which differed from council officer views.

    She argued that a permit was required to build and construct and carry out works – including change to the natural or existing environment.

    Cr Geoff Neil said the application had created a dilemma.

    “We’re not talking about bulldozers, we’re talking about hand-trimming and hand-cutting,” he said.

    “(This application has) created a dilemma for me between remembering our history, our very important history and our commemoration of that, as opposed to removing native vegetation.”

    Cr Bill West said Parks Victoria “probably had something to answer for in not carrying out regular maintenance on the area for the past 12 years”.

    “Many people have felt that lopping may have been a much more practical alternative but [Parks Victoria] hasn’t applied to do that,” he said.

    He voted to refuse the application, stating “ultimately, I hope a satisfactory outcome can eventuate for all parties down the line”.

    Mayor Annette Death and Cr Janet Pearce both indicated they would be interested in exploring other opportunities to restore the cross viewscape.

    A division recorded councillors who voted to refuse the permit for vegetation removal were Crs Anderson, Death, Guthrie, Moore, Pearce and West. Those who supported the vegetation removal were Cr Bonanno, Neil and Ridgeway.

    Parks Victoria has the opportunity to create a new application or challenge the decision.