Macedon Ranges Shire Council has unearthed one of the biggest potholes in its history, on Premier Mine Road, Kyneton.
A council employee operating a grader for maintenance work uncovered what seemed to be an air or ventilation shaft from a nearby historical mine site last Tuesday.
Council’s director of assets and operations Dale Thornton said it appeared the shaft had been sealed with a piece of corrugated iron and covered with soil many years ago, possibly even before the area became a road.
“The corrugated iron had been placed about one metre below the road surface. It appears the corrugated iron had rusted away, causing the soil to fall in and revealing the hole on the road surface,” Mr Thornton said.
“We do not know when the shaft was sunk but a mine was in operation in the area at least in the 1920s.”
Mr Thornton said the area had been barricaded off and made safe.
“A qualified engineer has inspected the site and has advised on the best solution to make the area safe permanently, which will take place next week,” Mr Thornton said.