Hens rescued in Cobaws

Kelly, Isobel and Stacy discovered the hens abandoned in the Cobaw Ranges.

Three hens found boxed and abandoned in the Cobaw Ranges have been given a second chance at Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Lancefield.
Local residents examined the suspicious box to discover the ISA brown hens inside while out for a walk with their dogs. They were determined to bring the hens to safety. A fourth hen was found dead nearby.
“Finding the hens there was one of the last things I expected,” said Kelly, one of the rescuers. “Despite all they had been through, they were just so trusting and curious, and just a tad confused.”
Kelly’s young daughter Isabelle was also part of the rescue team, readily taking to the hens and remarking how friendly they were.
Stacy, a Lancefield local, was the third member of the rescue contingent and along with Kelly works at nearby animal sanctuary Edgar’s Mission where the hens were taken into care.
Given a thorough health check by sanctuary founder and director Pam Ahern, the hen’s only ailment was a case of scaly mite, which is already responding to medication.
They were then treated to some much-welcomed pellets and mash and aptly named after their rescuers; Kelly, Isobel and Stacy.
“It truly does beggar belief and is beyond heartbreaking to know that someone has deliberately driven into the forest and dumped these beautiful birds,” Pam said.
“Especially so because in this day and age there are just so many other options that do not involve such wanton cruelty.”
Ms Ahern said it was likely the hens had been dumped due to a decline in egg production because of their age.
“ISA brown hens have been selectively bred for laying an exponential amount of eggs – about an egg a day in their first few years of life, compared to a handful or so by their wild cousins,” she said.
“However, as a result of this their little bodies wear out, and their egg production and quality declines long before their will to live does. Yet despite all of this they still make the most amazing little companion animals and can go on to live for several more happy years.”
Ms Ahern said animal cruelty was unacceptable and advised anyone who witnessed an act of animal cruelty, including neglect or abandonment, to contact the RSPCA Inspectorate team, the police and local government authorities.

Three abandoned hens now have a second chance at Edgar’s Mission.