Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of natural beauty and gardening wonders at the 2023 Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival Open Gardens this week.
You’re invited to explore a variety of stunning gardens that will captivate your senses and leave you inspired.
Along with multiple private gardens to view, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the Kyneton Botanical Gardens, open at all times during the festival with free entry, and the Malmsbury Botanic Gardens, offering beautiful heritage gardens, mature trees, a lake, and a view of the magnificent 1860 Malmsbury Viaduct.
Take the time to appreciate the beauty of nature, explore these magnificent gardens, and support charitable causes.
Festival ambassador Tonia Todman will be judging the prizes for the Open Gardens, adding to the excitement of this wonderful event.
Maps and a printable guide to the Open Gardens are available on the website www.kynetondaffodilandartsfestival.com.au and at the Visitor Information Centre throughout the festival.