Reset and re-energise

Dr Louise Mahler. (pic

‘Take the day off from your business to give to yourself’.

That is the message from Business Kyneton members who invite you to join them next week when they present a mental health day to help you ‘reset’. 

As we all know, some of us too well, if we don’t look after ourselves many things around us suffer, business included. 

The day is designed around movement, breath work, art therapy, lunch, laughs and a fabulous speaker, Dr Louise Mahler. 

“We are truly excited to have been able to secure Dr Mahler as our speaker as she is an absolute wealth of knowledge,” said Tim Sullivan, Business Kyneton president. 

Dr Louise Mahler has been voted in the top experts in both Body Language and Communication globally. 

Obsessed with creating exceptional human connection, Louise helps leaders and teams to elevate their body language and voice. 

Did you know that humans take more than 22,000 breaths a day and we don’t even think about it? With a little help and a ‘reset’ of the way we use our bodies and breath, imagine what we could do. 

Along with Dr Mahler, attendants will experience Qi Gong, ice bath (if you dare), breath work, art therapy, massage and lunch. There will be many opportunities to network, collaborate and grow your connections, while taking a break from the everyday grind and resetting. 

The event will be held at the Kyneton Mechanics Institute on Tuesday October 31.

Book your place at