Festival committee seeks volunteers

The Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival committee is seeking volunteers.

The Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival committee is in search of a secretary and assistant. 

Festival vice-president Sharryn Smith said the festival threw an awesome party every year to celebrate the town’s beauty and creativity. 

“We’re looking for that special someone who loves getting involved in fun events and helping out behind the scenes,” Sharryn said. 

“If you’re an admin whizz who can get stuff done, well we’ve got just the thing for you! The positions are secretary and public officer and secretary assistant/ minutes secretary. 

“As secretary and public officer, you’ll be the go-between for our festival team and other folks. Keeping track of meetings and follow ups. 

“There will be support from the outgoing secretary as well. 

As secretary assistant/minutes secretary, you’ll help out the main secretary and take notes during meetings. Plus, you’ll help with other office stuff when needed. 

“If you’ve done something like this before, that’s cool, but it’s not a must, just as long as you are good at keeping things organised and pay attention to details. 

“You’ll get to hang out with awesome people, learn how to run cool events,work with a flexible schedule and help make our festival the best one yet!” 

To apply, send us an email kynetondaffodilandartsfestival@gmail.com with a quick note about why you’d be great for the job.