Get your Frocks on for Fringe and celebrate 30 years of Priscilla Queen of the Desert as part of a special fundraising event at Castlemaine’s Theatre Royal next month.
The night will feature all the fun of a Fringe event, with local drag queen Polly Filla as MC, a catwalk Farshun parade starring you and all your mates plus drag performances, door prizes, and a screening of the iconic Australian film, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (M).
Castlemaine Fringe Festival chair Jacqueline Brodie-Hanns said that while they were super excited to be preparing for next year’s Fringe Festival, there were real financial pressures facing Fringe.
“Now more than ever we need people to get on board – support our events, become a member and consider making a donation to Fringe. The arts are too special to risk losing and we need everyone to get behind and get on board with Castlemaine Fringe,” Jacqueline said.
So get your best Priscilla frocks and faces on and get down to the Royal at 7pm on Friday July 12.
Make sure you buy a raffle ticket or three on the way in!
Fringe members can access tickets at concession rates and will be entered into a very special members only prize draw (Oooh!). So be sure to renew your membership today via the website.
Don’t forget to Frock up darling!
Presented in partnership with Castlemaine Fringe and the Theatre Royal, with all profits contributing to a Fabulous Fringe in 2025.
Tickets are on sale now at theatreroyalcastlemaine.oztix.com.au
This is just the first of a myriad of events in the lead up to Fringe 2025 including a ‘Smoke & Mirrors’ Fringe Winter Warmer Party with Castlemaine Clay at lot19 artspace on August 3, and the Castlemaine Fringe Art Auction at Shedshaker Brewing on November 23 just to name a few!
In addition to all this, the Fringe is currently running a poster competition, to design the artwork for Fringe 2025, with a deadline of July 28. To enter visit www.castlemainefringe.org.au