Couch to 5k classes

Running coach Inèz Deckers.

There’s a new, motivational running program for people who’d like to get off the couch, get fit and connect.

Throughout the winter months, coach Inèz Deckers will help participants to train and learn to jog 5km comfortably and confidently – and it’s free!

The final goal is to run the Run the Maine 5km together and celebrate the accomplishment.

Social connection, being active and being outdoors are proven to improve mental health and emotional wellbeing and the program has been designed to be a safe, supportive and fun environment, where you can meet other people who want the same.

“To me, going for a run is an easy and affordable way of exercising, not bound to anyone else’s schedule,” Inèz said.

“Having said that, when running with others, although it takes away some of the flexibility, I am more likely to actually go, have more fun and I challenge myself more.

“My goal is to help other people to get more fit, stay active, improve their health and well-being and make connections through fun, safe, supportive and accessible running training,” she said.

Everyone is welcome to the program, the base requirement is that you have to be able to walk 30 minutes non-stop. Can’t do this yet? Send Inèz a message at if you need support to get to this level.

The session times are:
– Mondays 6-7pm, starting July 8 (12 sessions total)
– Wednesdays 7-8am, starting July 10 (12 sessions total)
– Wednesdays 10.30-11.30am, starting July 10 (12 sessions total)
– Saturday mornings 9.30-10.30am, starting July 13 (11 sessions total)

If you are interested, but haven’t filled in a survey yet, do so now at

Registrations for the program will open on Monday July 1 at 7pm and the maximum group size per session will be 10.

Visit Inèz on her socials @runwithinez (insta and fb) to find more information.