Melbourne’s premier live 13-piece Elvis spectacular comes to Castlemaine for the first time this November on their Summer Series tour of Victoria!
Celebrating the life and music of The King, this show consistently sells out theatres and is not to be missed!
Witness the fire of Elvis’s early Vegas years, your favourite singalong hits and classics, groovy movie-era hipshakers, epic ballads, lesser heard surprises for the die-hard fans, along with the spectacular musicianship and performance The Elvis Big Band is renowned for.
Seasoned performer and entertainer Logan Jeffs told the Express he had made it his mission to reproduce an authentic Elvis, wearing exact replica costumes, including one jumpsuit that cost more than $5000 USD!
“The point of difference that we have in doing an Elvis show, is that I’m not pretending to be him the entire time,” Logan said.
“I put a lot of intention into doing the voice and the singing exactly as Elvis did, along with all the stage presence and some of the moves, but in between, I’m not putting on an American accent and pretending to be him, I’m actually myself, talking about Elvis – fun facts about his life and his music and audiences find that really refreshing.”
No wigs or burger jokes here folks – this show is the real deal and a heartfelt representation of Elvis and his musical legacy.
“Elvis is not an easy guy to pull off, so there’s a lot of pressure,” Logan said.
“Over the years I’ve really refined my vocals, and the costumes that I have are beautiful exact replicas, using exactly the same material, right down to the embroidery patterns on some of them.
“The company that makes them is the same one that Baz Luhrmann used in Elvis. Some of them weigh a ton, like the Aloha suit, which is spectacular.
Logan said the Elvis Big Band featured members from The ReChords, Woman Of Soul, Private Function, Maquina Peligrosa, The Tarantinos, The Melbourne Ska Orchestra and was very much like a family.
“These players are incredible musicians who have written and recorded their own music,” he said.
“We reproduce the music of Elvis as authentically as possible and we give a lot of passion.
“The whole band are Elvis fans, who love what they do and giving a really high energy show that conveys how Elvis’ music sounded, especially in the classic era of the late 60s into the early 70s, when he was really on fire.”
The Elvis Big Band will be performing at the Theatre Royal on Saturday November 2 – this is a fully seated show and there are group discounts available
For tickets visit www.elvisbigband.com