Juriansz is back

David Juriansz will perform at the Taproom in Castlemaine this Friday.

Castlemaine resident David Juriansz hasn’t played an original gig for over a decade. So he was shocked to find one of his songs being used in a TikTok video.

Even more surprising was when his teenage son recognised David’s song Intelligent Popstar in a fellow student’s Spotify playlist.

David, 57, a 5Rhythms dance teacher, decided to pay attention to the message from the digital universe. With the offer of a gig at the Taproom, he’s decided to come out of performance hibernation.

“I’m not sure my career has been illustrious enough to call this a comeback,” he said.

In the mid-1990s, David won Port Fairy’s Festival song-writing award with Index Finger, a song about the true story of a woman who lost a finger while fighting for a TV during Boxing Day sales.

This award led to a short overseas tour alongside the late Archie Roach, which then led to a cover of his song, Neighbourhood Houses, being produced by Jo Camilleri and released by Tiddas.

“Admittedly, this is all ancient history, but if Oasis can reform, surely I can get the band back together (I’m unpredictable Liam for sure)?” David said.

David’s humour is evident in some of his songs, others tackle difficult topics like grief, climate anxiety and war. Plus there’s the odd love ballad along the way.

He will be performing these songs drawing on four albums of material at his gig this Friday night at the Taproom in Castlemaine from 7.30pm. Entry is free.