Music for the country parish

Maldon resident and experienced organist Daniel Clarke will be performing at the Holy Trinity Church in Maldon this Sunday.

Experienced organist Daniel Clarke will be performing a unique concert at the Holy Trinity Church in Maldon this Sunday.

Playing music by Thalben-Ball, Vaughan Williams, Karg-Elert and more, the Maldon local describes his repertoire as being “an even perspective of all periods of music that are accessible to someone playing in a country parish”.

He will be performing on the church’s 1893 Fincham and Hobday organ, built during a brief partnership between the two organ builders.

“Organ building is a very delicate and archaic,” Daniel said.

“It’s a fascinating occupation and George Fincham was the most prolific organ builder of all time.

“The organ at Maldon is a very small organ with nine ranks of 70-odd pipes, and I’m hoping to give the audience snippets of what you can do with a small pipe organ.”

Daniel began practising on the organ at the Holy Trinity Church in 1999 as a 13-year-old boy.

“I started learning piano in early primary school and I always wanted to learn to play the pipe organ,” he said.

“I was lucky that one of the music teachers at school was one of the cathedral organists in Melbourne, so the school was able to offer organ lessons.

“The similarity between an organ and a piano are that you are playing keys with your hands, the actual technique for playing is vastly different and vary on different instruments.

“An organ, apart from being musical instrument, is a mechanical object, and I think that’s why I like it. That, and it’s also great fun making lots of noise!”

Daniel told the Express that while he didn’t come from a professionally musical family, his family were music appreciators and had encouraged his love of music, including learning the euphonium.

His love of the brass instrument led to him joining the Maldon Brass Band 21 years ago, where he is now the musical director. He is enjoying teaching the next generation the value of music through lessons at the local primary school.

Music for the Country Parish will start at 2.30pm on Sunday at Holy Trinity, 50 High Street, Maldon. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased at or at the door.