Rethink our paradigm
Ann Ferguson, David Farrow, Sarah Newsam, Julie Begg
Our discussion group met recently in Castlemaine to discuss Drawdown, a book edited by Paul Hawken which,...
Evidence please
Phillip Scoles, Castlemaine
When we talk about 'believers' and 'non believers', what are we really talking about - science or religion?
When our 'believers' put up...
Doubtful statistic
Trevor Scott, Castlemaine
Hal Curwen-Walker ('Malthusian scaremongering', Opinions, August 28), says that the Californian bushfires are not evidence of climate change. Are over a thousand...
Worst nightmares
Patrick Hockey, Castlemaine
Climate change denial is a complex belief system grounded in a mistrust of authority and a tendency to believe in conspiracy theories,...
Not pretty, or fair
Christine Pruneau, secretary, Macedon Ranges Residents Association
In response to the letter from Mary-Anne Thomas MP, State member for Macedon ('Scaremongering on planning', Opinions, August...
Alternative policies please
Wendy Hebbard, New Gisborne
Recently, the local Liberal candidate for the upcoming State Election wrote to local papers criticising the Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas.
Loyalty punished
Andrew McLaren, Woodend North
I am writing about the appalling behaviour of our power retailers.
At the moment, virtually anyone who calls their retailer for a...
A matter of balance
Len Millar, Newstead
I read with interest Donna Thomas's article regarding the risks to motor vehicles and trains along the Victorian Goldfields Railway line between...
Russian roulette
Hans Paas, Castlemaine
Safety concerns regarding 'crossing risks real' (Express, August 28) need to be addressed urgently. Anyone travelling south from Lockwood to Maldon has...
Toot toooooooooooooooot!
Christine King, Castlemaine
I write re the article on the steam train near-miss (Midland Express, August 7). It does sound as if safety upgrades are...
Isn’t it time?
Gregory Clark, Woodend
One meaning of 'a fair go' is that it can be used to ask for leniency for some trivial infraction. Isn't it...
Malthusian scaremongering
Hal Curwen-Walker, Castlemaine
I write in response to Patrick Hockey's letter ('Sad sideshow', Opinions, August 21).
His reliance upon the Californian bushfires as purported evidence of...