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No time left to pretend

Keith Altmann, Woodend Ray Brindle's response to Messrs Clarke, Scoles et al is unduly gentle at a time when the most recent science, based on...

Share sources

Dino Cevolatti, Castlemaine In regards to 'Who can we trust?' (Opinions, August 14), while you are right to be sceptical of sources of data and...

Portable signs?

Ali Holborn, Riddells Creek To assist motorists in remembering the 'slowing to 40 when passing an emergency vehicle' rule, could service teams carry a portable...

Balance must be right

Janine Mc Dougall, Riddells Creek As a sometime Labor voter I, like Christine Pruneau ('Worse off than ever', Opinions, August 14), am very concerned about...

Scaremongering on planning

Mary-Anne Thomas MP, State Member for Macedon It's time to provide some facts in response to the Macedon Ranges Residents Association's scaremongering on planning reforms...

Wrongly blamed

Glenda Fisher, Woodend Mary-Anne Thomas wrongly blames the Bailleau/Napthine Liberal government for the decline in the Victorian TAFE system and in particular accuses them of...

Illegal charges

Alison Joseph, Bullengarook I believe there is evidence that the former Labor Government manipulated the Essential Services Commission's 2008 Melbourne Water pricing decision, the decision...

Let’s stop pretending

Ray Brindle, Malmsbury A grassfire was rapidly approaching a rural house. The occupant was urgently asked to help the CFA save it. The man said...

Delaying tactics

Huntly Barton, Kyneton The people of Kyneton and district wake up. Our local state member Mary-Anne Thomas has stated that the Old Kyneton Primary school site...

Sad sideshow

Patrick Hockey, Castlemaine Climate change denial is a sad sideshow to the reality of climate change impacting the globe now. Not only are events like...

Bureaucracy gone mad

John Mitchell, Kyneton Far from being a council that is concerned with the aged and infirm, Macedon Ranges Shire seems intent on making life even...

Worse off than ever

Christine Pruneau, secretary, Macedon Ranges Residents Association In response to Noel Henderson's letter ('Positive approach', Opinions, July 31) defending the state government's changes to increase...
