Great news that a new supermarket is coming to Castlemaine. Great news for the whole shire, as yes, it will greatly reduce the bleed of money out of our Shire (Midland Express, March 27).
I would anticipate that people will not drive to Maryborough or Bendigo for one or two specials as they will have a bigger variety of goods here to choose from. This is the good news. The bad news is that also on the front page of the Midland Express is a council staff member telling all and sundry the amount of hoops the developers will need to jump through before the building can begin. People of the shire don’t need to see the negativity oozing from town hall, nor do tourists or potential house or business buyers who might pick up this paper for a quick read. The developers know what they need to do before works can begin as they obviously build supermarkets for a living. So council, enough of the negativity; put more effort and emphasis on the positives that will benefit our shire.
Oh and where is council’s Director of Sustainable Development, Jason Taylor? He seems to have been missing since late November last year (five months), as this is roughly the amount of time that council has had someone acting in his position. Could ratepayers have an answer please?
Tony Bell,