No place close to homes

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is now seeking a 2018/2019 budget allocation to review motor bike laws. If successful it will be a step back in time where backyard barbecues won’t be possible. They are striving to be the laughing stock of Victoria, at least five of the nine councillors are.
The council appears to be flush with money. We all know this is not the case. Whatever the review costs, surely any community project or sporting club could make better use of the money, or it could be spent on parks or roads, anything would be better than a motor bike review that will in future be overturned when residents complain of motor bikes tearing around in suburban backyards. We have been here before.
I was told by a councillor that this issue stems from a person in one of the councillor’s wards who has 39 acres and wants to use it as a training facility for off-road bike riders. The person apparently finds the current 500-metre buffer too restrictive. The distance should actually be 1000 metres.
Most residents have a life and are not constantly monitoring what the council is up to. The first they will know of this is when there is the noise and dust of several dirt bikes roaring around.
I thought that MRSC was striving to make the Macedon Ranges a better place to live, that’s why we live here. Dirt bikes have no place close to homes. What a joke.

Peter Dickinson, Romsey