Two major problems

Despite everyone’s complete admiration for the work Windarring does, there are two major problems with its proposal to take control of the old Kyneton primary school site (‘School rescue plan’, Express, April 4).
Firstly, if they buy the school site it will no longer be in public ownership. This asset, which was bought by the Kyneton community and the Victorian Government in 1860s for public education, would fall into private hands.
If anything goes wrong, the land could be sold off to the highest bidder … lost to the community forever!
My second criticism is a graver concern. The community will lose control of the precinct for community use and benefit. We would only be allowed to use the premises as a guest of Windarring.

The vision of the community taking responsibility and control of our town square would disappear.
The concept of community management has the potential to bring Kyneton residents of all ages and backgrounds together to share a common space. The project has the capacity to embed our lives in the
lives of others. This is an essential part of the social fabric of belonging.
On May 6 there will be a public meeting in Kyneton to form an Incorporated Community Town Square Organisation … a management structure for the school site underpinned by strong democratic ideals.
Windarring has expressed to us over many months, a strong interest in securing a long-term lease of space in a community run centre. We welcome them with open arms! This outcome would put a tidy 1.6 million dollars in their
bank account, saved from not having to invest in real estate.

Rob Bakes, Pastoria