Digital poverty

Micheal Portelli, Pipers Creek

The digital divide is becoming even greater with NBN randomly deciding who will receive a fixed wireless NBN service and those who can only receive the far inferior and more expensive satellite service with its minimal data allowance.
Representatives of NBN spoke favourably about co-locating fixed wireless antennas on the new Pipers Creek mobile tower but when the tower was erected NBN was silent.
If you can see the Pipers Creek mobile tower from your home and have been told that the only option is NBN satellite service, or have been notified that it may be possible to receive a fixed wireless signal from a distant tower at your home using a non-standard installation and that this may require you to erect a huge tower (at your own cost) on your property, co-locating antennas on the Pipers Creek mobile tower will solve this issue and provide a fixed wireless service to all residences within 14km with a line-of-sight view of the tower.
Please come along to the meeting to be held in Pipers Creek on Saturday July 14 and let NBN know that the digital poverty they are imposing on us is unacceptable in the 21st Century.
Our federal MP Lisa Chesters will be at the meeting and she will make representation on our behalf to the government and NBN.
The meeting is being held between 1-3pm at Hunter Gatherer Winery, 362 Pipers Creek-Pastoria Road, Pipers Creek.