Graham Smith, Kyneton
Once again we read of an accident on the Calder Freeway (‘Car collides with barriers’, Midland Express, July 10). In this instance, the vehicle hit the new wire rope barriers on the right and then crossed two lanes of traffic to hit the barriers on the left. We don’t know what caused the accident.
I assume if there were no barriers on the right, the vehicle would have finished up by itself in the central grass area between the two carriageways. By crossing back across the road it was just lucky no other vehicles travelling at speed on the highway hit it.
On the facing page of the paper there is a short article saying ‘VicRoads will construct an additional emergency crossover point point in the central median safety barriers ….. near Faraday to improve access for emergency vehicles responding to incidents’. To me, there still don’t seem to be enough points for fire brigades to quickly get to serious fires which may be on the other side of the highway or places for police to turn vehicles round if there is a serious accident or fire which completely closes the highway and requires vehicles to be removed quickly.
There continue to be signs along a number of highways in the state, saying these new barriers will save lives. I’m still not convinced.