Effect wears thin

Patrick Hockey, Castlemaine

At least those trying to deny climate change like Brian Clarke care enough to speak out (‘Climate change done and dusted?’, Opinions, August 7). Many who have no problem with the science do little, say less, and continue to maintain their own inner dialogue that they would do more if only others would too.
This is the heart of the problem; not the fact that a small number in the community are wilfully pretending that there is a problem with the science, or that it is all some bonkers conspiracy, but that each individual dissolves themselves of personal responsibility by taking sanctuary in the crowd.
As the saying goes, if everyone is guilty then no-one is!
But for the educated and informed people of this region the effect is wearing thin.
Our more outrageous carbon indulgences such as European holidays don’t sit quite so easily on our conscience anymore when we hear of unprecedented fires in California or punishing droughts in our own country or that rising sea levels will set adrift up to a billion people during the rest of the century.