Dino Cevolatti, Castlemaine
In regards to ‘Who can we trust?’ (Opinions, August 14), while you are right to be sceptical of sources of data and to provide more accurate values, it would help to provide your own sources for others to review.
For example, the data show a trend from 1910 to 2017 of at least +1.0 degrees (SOURCE 1) which is little more than a century.
You then attempt to dismiss even a 0.8 rise in 100 years as a “natural variation of the sun’s heating and cooling cycles”, suggesting that it’s not us and that it’s nothing to worry about. However, our fingerprints are all over it (SOURCE 2) and it is already having an impact (SOURCE 3).
Also, calling people “lefties” in the context of your concerns to oppose the “bully and ridicule” is unhelpful. The fact that some proponents of climate concern are worthy of criticism does not limit its existence nor its impact.
1) www.bom.gov.au/climate/change
2) www.skepticalscience.com/10-Indicators-of-a-Human-Fingerprint-on-Climate-Change
3) www.climate.nasa.gov/news/2458/why-a-half-degree-temperature-rise-is-a-big-deal