Save our lifestyle

Linda Amarant, New Gisborne

Once again Gisborne is under siege! The new proposal for the Gisborne Business Park Development Plan is soul destroying.
Council has proposed to heavily commercialise the east entrance into Gisborne – do we want a visual landscape with imposing big-business retailers lining the road? Large ugly advertising, huge bulky buildingsā€¦ Such a plan will bring a convoy of trucks and heavy vehicles to our streets at all times of the day, endangering our local residents and impacting pedestrians who typically enjoy a pleasant walk.
Council has a duty of care to its residents, particularly to those who are most vulnerable.
The aged care centre and retirement home on Saunders Road will suffer a huge amount of increased noise and air pollution, as will the childcare centre opposite.
Three primary schools are located further along Station Road and there is enough traffic for the children to contend with now without the very real danger of trucks and vans turning up Saunders Road. Children also cycle to school, which compounds the danger.
With the increase of traffic, does this then mean that Saunders Road will be widened in the future? Does that then pose the very real risk to our lovely mature trees that now line this road?
As a resident of New Gisborne for 20 years I have enjoyed the rural lifestyle of the Macedon Ranges, and feel distressed that this new proposal is going to completely change the outlook in Gisborne.
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