Ken Galbraith, Kyneton
I have just received another Fact Sheet from the Kyneton Airport Research Information Group. Like the previous ‘fact’ sheets it is full of highly emotive language and allegations of council misconduct.
KARIG would have much more credibility if we could find out who they are. Is it actually a group or just a single person with a bee in their bonnet? Where are the members located and are they longstanding residents or recent arrivals who have purchased property near the airport and now want to limit its use or even shut it down?
The content of their ‘fact’ sheets would be alarming if it could be trusted but I have a problem when they quote pollution levels for Chicago Airport to support their claims. Given that Chicago has multiple parallel runways and averages a commercial aircraft landing or departing every 30 seconds I have difficulty correlating that with Kyneton Airport!
The claims of council secrecy seem to be overstated. In a few minutes online I can find out more about the airport, the aero club and the council plans for the airport than I can about KARIG. So who is hiding behind a veil of secrecy and apparent misinformation?
So KARIG in your next publication I suggest you include information on your organisation, how many members you have, who your office bearers are and your real objectives in publishing your ‘fact’ sheets.