Wonderful community

Sharon Smith, Kyneton (on behalf of the Smith family)

I want to take the time to thank our wonderful community for the support our family has received from the passing of Mozza, your support with flowers, not having to cook dinner for the last week and more importantly, your overwhelming messages of support.
If I have forgotten to respond I apologise from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to the Kyneton Hospital for always supporting us with Mozza’s care, Kyneton District Nursing for helping us to allow Mozza to stay in his home until the every end. A big thank you to the Bendigo Hospital, St John of God and Bendigo hospice who allowed him to leave us with dignity. Thank you to Daniel Scott and TJ Scott and Son for the support throughout the week, such an amazing family and staff.
Thank you to his beloved KFNC and Karen for the huge contribution of the celebration and tribute to Maurice Ambrose, I know that this would have meant the world to him.
Thank you to Tony Kelly for his words from the heart, Moz truly idolised you. To my wonderful friends who catered and ran the bar allowing me to concentrate on sending Moz out like a rockstar.
And as the dust settles on this local legend, we pick ourselves up and prepare to say goodbye to an even bigger local legend and support and nurture his family through this tough time, it’s just how this community rolls. We are sending love and support to Mon, the extended Beare family and all of his mates as they prepare for what lies ahead.