Another bike cage needed

Lana Osterfield, Castlemaine

I am writing to ask all bike riders who use the bike cage at Castlemaine Railway Station to get involved in a campaign to have another cage built. I am only a casual user of the cage but the past three times I have used it, it has been full, only once in that time was I able to use a bar. The other times having to leave my bike free standing, which then makes life difficult for others. Putting the lock around frame and back wheel. I noticed that several BSE students are now using the cage and commend them for using the cage to keep their bikes secure. Their parents, I am sure, would not want the expense of replacing them. My bike is a new electric bike and my only mode of transport so you can understand how import it is to me to keep safe.
I believe it is now time for the bike riders of Castlemaine to lobby for another cage, this is a complex thing too as we need to write to the federal government for the money, then get the state government to invest that money in bicycle infrastructure.
The state government needs to negotiate with V/Line for land space. Bicycle network and Parkiteer will support us, but claim they do not have the clout to drive it. I spoke with Parkiteer on Tuesday, as I was in Melbourne. I pointed out to them that there were more bike riders in Castlemaine using the cage and bars on the platform than any other country station on the Melbourne to Bendigo line. So please do what you can to get this under way. I have already written to the premier, no response yet. Remember too it is an election year!