‘Gisbury’ ahead?

Ron Fitt, Macedon

Few if any would disagree that Gisborne is a lovely town. However residents are despairing because population pressures are eroding their quality of life.
Although well aware of the impending traffic and parking problems, our elected representatives are unable or unwilling to address these issues other than to spend more of our money on another consultancy.
Instead of contemplating the spending of millions on shared bicycle trails between towns, our council should assert that no new residential developments will be approved in Gisborne until higher levels of government provide the infrastructure necessary to cope with the proposed doubling of Gisborne’s population.
For starters the long-haul heavy trucks should be banned from the CBD because Gisborne’s roads and roundabouts were not designed to accomodate B-Doubles. Of course local delivery vehicles would be exempt.
The state government is to be congratulated for investing billions on infrastructure in Victoria, however, it would be a disgrace if Gisborne transitioned into ‘Gisbury’ because of indifference on the part of our elected representatives.