How can this be so?

Eric Dearricott, Kyneton

The Midland Express reported MRS council’s acting director of assets and operations Anne-Louise Lindner defended the installation of raised platform speed humps on the children’s crossings in Edgecombe Street, Kyneton (‘Crossings plan draws criticism’, April 2).
I write to query her defence.
The Express reported that the council had advised them that motorists were speeding in Edgecombe Street during school times and that drivers were moving through the crossings without giving way to school children (Really? How could this be when the crossing attendants stand in the middle of the road with STOP signs?).
The article cites Ms Lindner as saying that the proposed speed humps were being implemented to resolve these issues.
How can this be so when at the start of June 2018, just a couple of months after Kyneton Primary moved to Edgecombe Street and before council could have had any clear indication of the purported problems, the council announced that speed humps would be installed as part of a Commonwealth roadworks grant for the street.
At no stage in the council’s reported response are the written cautions to them of Dr Ray Brindle, former chief scientist, planning and environment at the Australian Road Research Board, addressed.
Ray Brindle told the council that he had deep concerns about the effectiveness and appropriateness of the proposed traffic calming measures and the proposals failed to follow the National Guidelines.
Dr Brindle raised seven concerns and in particular he warned that research indicated that the proposed speed humps were too far apart to be effective.
Why is the council ignoring Ray Brindle’s expert advice and seemingly determined to install the humps within weeks?