What is really happening?

David Kemp, Lancefield

I read with interest and dismay the feature story on the front page of last week’s Midland Express.
It referred to a council orchestrated and implemented planning process affecting land owned by the Green family of Lancefield.
As almost every resident of Lancefield knows the Greens are stalwarts of the district, that for many years have, given freely, an enormous amount of their time and energy to many community activities.
I find this planning process very odd and unusual for a number of reasons.
Firstly: the affected landowners that have not sought the planning changes. Second: the town is not in any desperate need for any more developable residential land as currently there are vacant blocks of land on the market available in the town that have in some cases remained unsold after many years.
Lastly, of the fellow residents I have spoken to, none have identified any concerns about the availability of residential land in the township.
It makes me wonder is there other unidentified agendas or other development undercurrents that are driving this clearly unsought planning development?
Or is there a greater plan at play to try and turn Lancefield into just another outer Melbourne suburb?