On the same page

Bill Bayliss, Chewton

In his letter (‘View on new approach’, Opinions, April 16) Hans Paas makes a valid observation on how Mount Alexander Shire Council meetings are conducted.
In my mind, the so-called confidential meeting should be conducted on the floor of council chambers for all to see and hear what the CEO proposes and the issue being debated, and hear councillors’ reasons and argument for or against.
Mr Paas is correct on every point he has raised. Residents and ratepayers have been denied the chance to observe democratic process in action.
As for council meetings being broadcast via ‘live’ streaming, well, given the meetings I have attended, frankly – it’s like watching grass grow.
It appears that issues are settled before the general meeting – in that secret meeting to which residents and ratepayers aren’t privy.
For once, Mr Paas and I are on the same page.