Time to enjoy soccer

Indie, 7, Finley, 7, and Charlee, 8, can't wait to get together with other kids who, just like them, want to enjoy playing soccer.

Macedon Rangers Soccer Club has some new teams coming up.
It will be a great opportunity for kids born in 2010-2014 to play soccer, even if they never have before.
Now officially given the green light by Football Victoria, and with support from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and assistance from some great sponsors, come and try sessions and trials for the junior sides are being held on Sunday February 2 and Sunday 9 at Romsey Oval 2, Park Lane, Romsey.
There will be teams for girls, generously funded by a Vic Health grant, and teams for boys, although if children prefer a mixed team, that will be catered for too. Lancefield and Romsey Bendigo Community Bank is another sponsor helping put the kids on the field.
Coordinator of the teams, Craig Emmerson, said children shouldn’t be put off coming to a try session if they hadn’t played soccer. Training days will be held so youngsters will be able to enhance their skills. Eventual teams will be seven aside and based around Romsey. Matches will begin mid-April.
For more info and try session times for boy and girl age groups, go to the Macedon Ranges Soccer Club facebook page.