Recognition of racing contributions

Well done! Mike Rowland (at left) and Steve Schmidt at the Kyneton racetrack after receiving their presentations.

Outstanding contributions to the horse racing industry at district level were acknowledged at Kyneton and Hanging Rock Racing Club’s annual meeting last week.
Retiring Kyneton racecourse manager Steve Schmidt was presented with life membership of the club in recognition of his 32 years’ service.
Long-serving committeeman and former president of both the Hanging Rock and Kyneton race clubs, Mike Rowland, was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the K&HRRC, of which he was already a life member. He did not seek re-election for a further term.
Both men were praised for their dedication and positive input over the years, and wished well for the future. It is hoped to see them regularly at local race meetings in the future.
Fellow racing club staff members have also acknowledged Mr Schmidt’s qualities and wished him well.
Mr Rowland’s position on the K&HRRC committee has been filled by Di Coad, a director of Coad Real Estate.
After the annual meeting, Greg Janky (pictured below) was re-elected for a further term as club president, with Gary O’Meara again vice-president, and Mac Barry treasurer.
Karen O’Sullivan, Richard Little, John Scott, Andrew Langdon and Brian Johnston continue as committee members.
The past year has been a very disruptive one for racing Australia-wide due to the impact of the pandemic, but it is one of the few sports that has found a way to continue on, adhering to special regulations governing on-course attendances.

Greg Janky.