Bank bonanza for RDFNL

Sponsorship celebrations: From left – Angela Dickins incoming senior branch manager for Lancdfield and Romsey Community Banks), Dominic Andreacchio (chair of Community Bank Gisborne and District), Jordan Doyle (CEO Riddell League), Suzanne Ewart (chair of Lancefield and Romsey Community Banks), Sarah Barton (branch manager Community Bank Gisborne and District) and Aaron McLean (Riddell League’s football operations manager).

In a win-win outcome all round, the Riddell District Football Netball League has clinched a major new sponsorship deal with the Bendigo Bank, involving Community Bank outlets at Gisborne, Lancefield and Romsey, and other branches across the league’s wide area.

“The RDFNL’s major focus is to reduce the cost for our clubs and participants and this sponsorship will enable the league to do this,” CEO Jordan Doyle said last week.

He said the major agreement Bendigo Bank as the major sponsor of the Riddell League for the next two years, with an option of a third.

Doyle explained that the sponsorship and contribution of Bendigo Bank will mean a saving of 24 per cent for the league’s clubs.

It is expected affiliation fees will decline considerably, and there will be other flow-on savings to clubs, enabling them tore-invest in football and netball programs.

Reducing fees considerably means less out-of-pocket expenses for players, families, coaches and clubs within the RDFNL area.

Doyle said the Bendigo Bank was a wonderful community-orientated organisation which shared the same values as the league in wanting to grow and support the community.

“We thank them for their support of our competitions and clubs.”


The league will now be known as the ‘Bendigo Bank Riddell District Football League’.

The name will be included in the league’s logo which will be seen on all communications, footballs and uniforms.

Community Bank Gisborne and District was on board as a league sponsor last season, and happily obliged to increase sponsorship and have Lancefield and Romsey Community Banks and other Bendigo Bank branches across the league into the new partnership, seen as mutually beneficial to all.

With the announcement made last week, all member clubs are expected to be weighing up their options and potential savings well before the season begins in early April.

The Bendigo Bank Junior Player of the Week and and the monthly Bendigo Bank Community Builder awards will continue.