More girls to save soccer

Gisborne Soccer Club's U17s were runners-up in the local competition last season.

More girls aged between 15 and 17 years are needed to ensure Gisborne Soccer Club fields an Under 17s team this coming season.

Last season the U17s were runners-up in the local competition, but due to some players moving overseas and having other commitments, the club urgently needs to recruit some new comers.

“Women’s soccer is on the rise and more women are participating in outdoor and indoor tournaments, which is good to see.

“But some girls may miss out if we cannot fill our U17s side with a minimum of at least 12 players,” U17s coach Maurice Gonzalez said.

In charge for the past two seasons, Gonzalez said he has found girls generally excel once they settle into a team spirit.

“My daughter Michelle plays as a striker, and enjoys the team environment.

“As a coach, my main objective is to get the girls playing a team sport, and to learn to respect each other and the opposition.

“We don’t strive to win every game, but if it happens it’s great …. there’s no yelling or swearing at the training sessions and Gisborne Soccer Club has great facilities for training and playing,” the coach said.

It doesn’t matter whether girls have played before or not, all are welcome to attend a training session on Wednesdays from 5.30pm to 6.45pm.

For further information, contact team manager Kevin Hibbons on 0419 113 540.