Club mourns an all-time legend

The Macedon Cricket Club community is in mourning following the death late last week of John Ewels, a remarkable man and one of its all-time legends. 

Tributes to ‘Ewelsy’ continue to flood in. He was described by the club as someone who “was loved by all who played with him and envied by all who played against him”. 

“John has been a committed player and committee member for 45 years and his legacy will live on forever. 

“We will miss him dearly and our deepest thoughts and sympathies go out to his family at this time,” the club stated. 

An unorthodox but very accurate slow bowler, ‘Ewelsy’ was vice-captain of the club’s famous 1985-86 top grade (equivalent of today’s McIntyre Cup 1sts) premiership side. His longevity was remarkable. 

On Sunday morning at Lancefield, the Macedon women’s team members wore black armbands and lined up with Lancefield Yellow players to observe a minute’s silence in memory of ‘Ewelsy’.

In that season Macedon managed to defeat Romsey in a close semi-final, then eclipsed the favoured Bacchus Marsh combination in a low-scoring grand final where skipper Kinnear Beatson captured five wickets. 

In an interview in 2016, ‘Ewelsy’ recalled how the team had been so determined in 1985-86 after the shock of legendary Macedon president John Clifford dying of a heart attack while playing for the club’s third XI during that season. 

“His death was a big motivation for us to win the flag. We spent a lot of time at his grave the night of winning the premiership.” 

John Ewels gave so much to his cricket club and the wider Macedon community. The memories of so many are continuing to be shared. 

Macedon went on to win the match.