‘Life’s good’ — national champ

Chloe Stewart went through the national play-offs unbeaten against the best bowlers from the different states.

Kyneton Bowling Club is very proud of new National Champion of Champions bowler Chloe Stewart.

And Chloe says she will always remember where she grew up and began her amazing journey, which has taken to her top level in her chosen sport, and become a career path as well.

“Life’s good,” a reflective Chloe said when asked yesterday morning about finally winning the prestigious Champion of Champions event last week.

“Work’s good, I feel good, I’m even playing golf,” the 28-year-old said.

On the immaculate greens at Club Tweed near the New South Wales — Queensland border, Chloe went through the national play-offs unbeaten against the best bowlers from the different states.

Is she playing at her very best?

“I think I’ve become more consistent than in the past, with some help.

“I knew I would have to play at my top to win this with matches spread over two and a half days. Previously I’d won two bronze medals in the nationals.”

Chloe is now looking forward to playing in the World Champ of Champs at Barham next September.

She admitted she had not been able to make trips home (to Kyneton) as often as she would have liked, with family and friends there.

“My mum (Jenny Stewart) was over the moon when she heard,” she said.

Chloe recalls her grand mother Val Carey (now deceased) taking her to the Kyneton bowling green at a very, very young age.

She soon became hooked on the sport, and the rest is history.

“I’ve always had a dream of playing for Australia, and there’s quite a number of people who have helped me achieve this along the way.”

Chloe wished the Kyneton Bowling Club well for this season and in the future.

Such has been her remarkable bowling achievements, she has the ‘Chloe Stewart Room’ named in her honour at the local club.

Chloe is not about to seriously change from bowls to golf, where she has a handicap of 19 and plays for relaxation at the immaculate Royal Pines course when time permits.

There’s no doubt what Chloe Stewart has achieved is remarkable, and she would be very proud if some other young people in Kyneton and surrounds gained inspiration as a consequence.