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Tag: Coliban

Fate up in the air

Judgement is still up in the air on a daring drone fishing stunt at Upper Coliban Reservoir under investigation by the Civil Aviation Safety...
Nick Layne, project manager for NCCMA's Healthy Coliban Catchment, and landholder Kerry Connoley take part in the UCLN's Citizen Scientist Field Day to collect platypus DNA from critical refuge areas along the Coliban and Campaspe Rivers. They are seen here collecting samples at Turpins Falls. Photo: Sandy Scheltema

Working together to protect waterways

On a dry hot summer day last Wednesday, citizen scientists, government agencies, landcare and a platypus ecologist worked together collecting water samples from 20...
Grade one student from Redesdale Mia Mia Primary School Lili Arnephy learns how to collect and filter water for DNA sampling from platypus ecologist Josh Griffith on the Campaspe River in Redesdale last Monday. Photo: Sandy Scheltema

Platypus protectors

Lucky students from four primary and secondary schools in our district are learning how to become Platypus Protectors and care for our two beautiful...
A petition calling for Coliban Water to stop its chlorination trial has so far attracted a total of 204 signatures.

Residents petition for water change

A petition calling for Coliban Water to stop its chlorination trial, which began in October, has so far attracted a total of 204 signatures. Lead...
Coliban River, below Trentham.

Taking care of the Coliban River

The long-term protection of one of the region's most important waterways is at the centre of an innovative 20-year plan bringing together government agencies,...
Hanging Rock WInery's Ruth and Rob Ellis are celebrating the winery's success at Heathcote Wine Show.

Ranges win in wine show

Macedon Ranges wineries are toasting to success at Heathcote Wine Show. Hanging Rock Winery, Coliban Valley Wines and Mount Towrong Vineyard all received gold and...
