Tag: Maldon
You’ll never guess who lives down the road
You'd be surprised at the number of famous people there are living just down the road, in hidden little valleys, tucked away...
Where ‘strange’ is welcome
The historic township of Maldon came alive on the weekend as goths from across Australia converged to celebrate the dark side of...
Classics go under the hammer
An incredible collection of vintage vehicles will go under the hammer this weekend featuring a massive range of antique cars.
Immerse yourself in the dark side
This August, under the cover of grey skies and against a backdrop of old Victorian buildings, goths adorned in velvet, silk, leather,...
Porcupine Village project advances
The team behind the redevelopment of Maldon tourist attraction Porcupine Village has submitted an amended planning permit for consideration by Mount Alexander...
Real Life in Maldon
Renowned new-wave legends Real Life will bring an exclusive evening of enthralling entertainment to this year's Goldfields Gothics festival in Maldon.
Locals’ chance to shine
Maldon's very own Stephen Howard was one of 72 local extras who worked on new comedy series Gold Diggers, which was filmed...
‘To get rich, you’ve gotta get dirty’
A new rapid-fire eight-part comedy series filmed at Porcupine Village in Maldon will premiere on ABC TV and ABC iView next month.
Grassfires pose threat
Jade Jungwirth
A large grassfire at Cairn Curran Reservoir near Baringhup on Saturday required the response of 12 tankers,...
Stan production filmed in Maldon
The film crew arrived in the township of Maldon en masse last week, heavily clad with cameras, lights, and bedecked in high-vis, to commandeer...
Duck death toll climbs
The mass bird casualty situation at the Bells Swamp Conservation Reserve near Maldon continues to worsen with 640 dead birds pulled from...
Mass duck casualties under investigation
Lisa DennisParks Victoria and wildlife experts are investigating a mass casualty event involving ducks and other birdlife at Bells Swamp Conservation Reserve at Neerman...