Tag: Yes in My Backyard
Take it outside
Between the chopping board and the compost pile there sits another piece of composting ‘equipment’ that often gets overlooked, but it’s a...
To lime or not to lime?
It used to be pretty standard advice to add sprinklings of garden lime to our compost as we built them, it’s how...
The ‘Williams Manoeuvre’
I first met Lisa Williams when YIMBY were out looking for new composters in her street in north-west Castlemaine.
Winter Warmer Workshop
Is it really possible to keep our compost hot in these cold winter months?If you’ve been following the Compost Conversation, you will...
Meat and dairy … in or out?
I’m sure you have come across the claim that you can’t or shouldn’t compost meat scraps and dairy products. Given how often...
You can’t compost that…can you?
Have you been told that you can’t, or shouldn’t, compost a particular thing?
Perhaps it is onion skins...
Cellulose, chitin or lignin?
The bodies of all living things, from the largest trees to the smallest microorganisms are mostly made of carbon, organised in microscopic...
How to use your ‘mind blender’
We have talked before about the importance of getting the moisture content of our compost piles right. Our favourite image for the...
The leaves are falling
“Did you see the wind today, blow the autumn leaves away? From on high they fluttered down, some were red and some...
Compost in our autumn garden
Autumn in central Victoria is pretty spectacular. As the rains bring a flush of green and the nights cool, our summer plantings,...
The Compost Conversation – Flat out for great compost
Note: We have decided to leave our article on making biochar until after the fire season is passed.
The Compost Conversation – Biocharging your compost
There is lots of interest, quite a bit of hype and some pretty optimistic hope pinned on biochar...