Join the fun at Mondo Lounge

Movement Zone's Sas Cook will lead Friday's Mondo Lounge hip hop session.

Friday afternoons look a little different for young people at the moment so Mount Alexander Shire Council’s youth initiative Mondo Lounge has moved online.
Mondo Lounge is mixing things up with approved social distancing activities, including a virtual dance lesson!
People aged 12 to 25 years are invited to join a free online hip-hop dance class presented by Movement Zone’s Sas Cook this Friday.
“We wanted to offer something that was a bit of fun, where we can get together in the virtual world, learn some dance moves and have a laugh at the same time,” said council’s youth activities officer Jodie Hearn.
“We’re all doing our best to navigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, so anything that brings a smile or helps us to learn something new is a bonus.”
The hip-hop session will be held from 4pm to 5pm on Friday May 1.
“We’ll start with a good warm up and stretch then a hip-hop dance class followed by a chinwag and Q&A,” Ms Hearn said.
“The session will be hosted on Zoom so you can join in from your living room or anywhere you have a bit of space to move.”
You’ll need access to a laptop, computer or tablet with a webcam and audio.
“Even if you’ve never come along to a Mondo Lounge event we are very welcoming and would love for you to join us,” Ms Hearn said.
“Many of the young people I have spoken to really miss the social aspect of school.
“Our Friday afternoon Mondo sessions provide the opportunity to get together, have some normality and a distraction from life at home.
“Throughout the term we’ll be hosting online gaming sessions, Netflix parties, live trivia events and competitions. We’re also investigating some screen-free craft activities that we’ll drop off at people’s homes so we can all feel connected.”
The Mondo Lounge program aims to provide fun for teens and young adults and keep them connected. To register for the online sessions, contact Jodie at or 0429 421 214.
Jodie will send you log in details to join the hip-hop class. Mondo Lounge is delivered with funding from the state government’s Engage! program.
If you or a young person you know is struggling, remember that help is available. Contact Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or or Beyond Blue on 1800 51 2348 or