Pony Club seeks support

Kyneton Pony Club members stand near one of the damaged cross country jumps.

Kyneton Pony Club is reaching out to the local community to help build its new cross-country course, which includes more than 20 brand new jumps.

The club is currently undertaking the enormous task of redesigning and rebuilding what was once a fantastic cross-country jumps course at the Rollinson Reserve.

The current jumps have fallen into disrepair over the last few years of lockdowns and storm damage, so the club is seeking assistance from the community to help provide a new, exciting and safe course that will not only benefit the Kyneton Pony Club members but also the many riders in the district who make use of the public reserve.

“Many years ago our cross-country course was revered as one of the best in the state and people travelled considerable distances to compete here,” committee member Bridget Fraser said.

“We would love to see our town benefit from increased visitor traffic again.”

After initial consultation with an accredited cross-country course designer, Kyneton Pony Club has been given a brief that includes building a total of 33 new jumps in situ, 21 new jumps that can be built off site, repairs to 16 existing jumps, relocation of 11 existing jumps and the removal/recycling of unuseable jumps.

KPC is currently seeking sponsorship for the cost of materials along with volunteers to help build the jumps.

The projected completion date for all jumps is the end of September this year to allow time for the course to be assessed in time for the club’s annual competition at the beginning of November.

“We believe this could be a great opportunity for a collaborative project between the pony club and local business, along with schools, clubs and community groups. If there are any local builders or retired tradies we would love their expertise on this massive project,” parent Kate Coleman said.

“Many of the new jumps that we require are designed to be removable so the course layout can be adjusted at any time. This means that they can be manufactured off-site and moved into location after completion,” Bridget said.

To find out about Kyneton Pony Club’s sponsorship packages, or if you are able to assist with the donation of materials or labour, contact Kate Coleman on 0404 205 144 or email kynetonponyclub.sponsorships@gmail.com